Monday, 23 September 2013

Character List

Character List

Younger Brother: Henry Taylor

Older Brother: Gary 'Gaz' Taylor

Henry's Ex/Gaz's Fiance: Kelly Caivano

Best Friend (Male/Stoner): 'Green Al' 

Alan Best Friend (Female): Amy Thompson 

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Evaluation of the Pitch.

Evaluation of the Pitch.

Above is our original pitch. We started planning our opening speech by taking key words/ideas from the idea of our film and strain them together into a short piece of text, these keywords are in red. We felt this communicated our message very accurately and also precisely, however the last line caused confusion amongst some members of the audience who felt the last line, 'and end it all once and for all' suggested suicide from the character. Subsequently we have decided to change this line to 'and end the rivalry once and for all'. Below is what the new pitch would look like.

During our pitch we also experienced trouble naming the exact locations that we would film in, something which we will need to improve on for our second pitch as in the real world no investor would pump money into a film with relatively loose ideas. This also meant we would have to think about the cast. The following posts on characters and locations will give a more detailed picture on these aspects.

Friday, 13 September 2013


The Plot.

  1. Two brothers live together with their family.
  2. Throughout their childhood the older has been high favouritism.
  3. The boys have since grown up.
  4. The result has been a hugely confident and successful older brother, with the younger living in his shadow.
  5.  The younger brother experiences unlikely romantic success, when he speaks to an attractive stranger about her unlucky pursuit of another man.
  6. He find.
  7. He gladly accepts.
  8. The pair blossom into a happy couple.
  9. The younger brother decides after months he is finally ready to take her home to his parents and of course, his dreaded older brother. 
  10. There are several bizarre occurnces when she is in the home, such as the fact that she knows where the bathroom is before being told.
  11. They sit down to eat a meal which the younger brother has slaved over.
  12. The older brother turns up with chinese, however it is not this that shocks the brother, more so the fact she knows his name.
  13. She apologizes immediately to the younger brother and walks out, the older brother follows.
  14. From the window he watches them in the street.
  15. To his horror he sees his older brother drop down and propose.
  16. She says yes.
  17. After a period of moping around at a friends flat, the younger brother receives an invitation to the wedding, with a sarcastic '+1'
  18. His friends, an edgy stoner and geeky ugly-Betty-like female, convince him to attend the wedding, and declare it their mission to find a new and better girl.
  19. After weeks of comical searching he has an argument with the two friends and decides he will give up.
  20. Over the next few months he ponders on the argument, he greets losing all he had left.
  21. The stoner friend turns up at his new flat on the day of the wedding.
  22. In the van back of the van he sees a tuxedo and an elegant dress.
  23. He tells the stoner friend that he has unfinished business.
  24. Asks out the 'geeky' friend by phone.
  25. Turns up to ice her up and she has gotten rid of her braces, and also grown her hair.
  26. They go to the wedding.
  27. The older brothers wife turns out to be a bitch.